Best gay sex new years party

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Once in Rio, you will need a place to stay. (Rates for the high season start on flights departing after December 27.) To book an international flight to Rio, the best websites are: We recommend that you fly down in late December and spend a week discovering Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro is one of the best places in the world to ring in the New Year (or, as Brazilians call it Réveillon.) While the northern hemisphere is freezing, the beaches of Rio are warm … and the men are hot! This guide for 2020 is split into three sections: getting there, enjoying New Years Eve on Copacabana beach, and finding the best gay parties. Last year, the beachfront celebrations brought together 3 million revelers.

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⚕️ Coronavirus News Update: On July 25, the city of Rio de Janeiro officially cancelled celebrations to celebrate the start of 2021 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

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